Wallet Addresses on Coinremitter Have Their Validities

If you accept crypto payments using Coinremitter, then you must know that wallet addresses aren’t permanent here. They expire in a few months from the date of creation. So you need to be careful about a crypto wallet address’s expiry date.
Note Down the Invoice Expiry Date & Time
While creating an address through the ‘Create a New Wallet Address’ API, you can get the expiry date and time in the response. Please remember that the address expiry date is displayed in the YYYY-MM-DD format. You can save it in your database along with your address for future reference.
How Do I Check the Wallet’s Expiry Date?
You can log in and go to Wallets>Addresses. For, example, if you want to check the expiry time of a USDT TRC20 wallet address, then you can select one from ‘Wallets’. After that, you can click the ‘Addresses’ tab to view available addresses. You’ll get to know the expiry time of a wallet address beside the same in the table.
What Happens if a Wallet Address Expires?
If a crypto wallet address (limited to Coinremitter) expires, then transactions processed to that address will not be reflected. You won’t be able to receive payments from your customers through the same address. Payments sent to an expired wallet address will be considered null and video and will not be recoverable in any case.
What to Do if an Address Expires?
Here, addresses created using crypto APIs have expiry dates. You may need to take the following steps after any of your wallet addresses expires:
- You can create a new address from the Crypto API docs with the help of the ‘Create a New Wallet Address’ API.
- Refrain from sharing an expired address with your customers to prevent their fund loss.
- If you have published an expired crypto coin wallet address somewhere, consider changing it to an active one as soon as possible.
How many addresses are allowed per wallet?
The maximum number of addresses per wallet is 500. However, you can create unlimited addresses per Coinremitter wallet with the premium plan.
Do I need to take the steps above for invoice-based addresses?
Both the expiry of a wallet address and the expiry of an invoice are different.
What will happen if my customer makes a payment to an expired address?
Payments made to an expired address will not be reflected in your wallet, and customers will have to face the loss of funds in such cases.
For how much duration a crypto wallet address on Coinremitter can be valid?
Ideally, a wallet address generated through API remains valid for six months from the date of creation. However, this duration may change in the future.
Can I set the validity of a wallet address manually?
No, you cannot set the validity of a wallet address manually.
May I get notified of an expired wallet address?
No, there is no such facility for sending wallet address expiry notifications as of now.
May I extend the validity of a wallet address that is going to expire or already expired?
No, you cannot extend or change the validity of any wallet address on Coinremitter.
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