How to Swap Cryptocurrencies on Coinremitter?
Coinremitter gives its users a swap cryptocurrency function which is In Built on the website. In simple words, users can change their coin from one to another just like converting Bitcoin from Litecoin.
In this topic, we will give you the full information about how you can swap cryptocurrency on coinremitter.
1) Now click on the
login and log yourself in by filling the details or sign up with Facebook or Google.
2) after the login you are now on the dashboard page. Now click on the currency swap in the sidebar. Moreover, after clicking on it the box of currency swaps will look like this.

3) Click on the
From Wallet option and select one of the coins which you have in your wallet. Make sure you have added coins in the wallet and must have balance in it.
Now click on the To Currencyoption and select on the currency which you want to swap in.

4) Fill the amount in the
Amount box, you can also see how much coins you will receive after swapping when you enter the amount in the box before clicking on submit.
(Please note that the amount you are entering has to be an appropriate amount or fill in the minimum amount which will be some less than your available amount.)

5) Enter your proper wallet address in
Wallet Address box and click on the submit.

6) Congratulations! You have successfully swap your currency from one to another. However, these swapped currencies will be stored in your coinremitter wallet.
7) You can also see the currency history about how many times you have swapped your currency before.
(Please take one note, before swapping coins verify the coin address properly, because sent coins can not be reserved in any case. Coinremitter is not responsible for any delay or loss of coins.)
Nov 19, 2019 ~ Tony